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vrijdag, februari 04, 2005

Corbijn signeert II

Anton Corbijn signeert zijn boek U2&i behalve op 12 februari in Amsterdam (Scheltema) ook op 26 februari in het Fotomuseum te Antwerpen, en wel van 15.00 - 17.00.

Wie U2&i een tikje te duur vindt kan natuurlijk ook zijn andere nieuwe boek innocence (in de Stern-serie) laten signeren.

Corbijn over U2&i en zijn drukke agenda:

i was presented with a first copy on the 1st of february in munich and i have to honestly admit that i am a very happy man holding this book in my hands. but boy, is it heavy. i had an opening in antwerp, one of my all time favorite cities, in the FotoMuseum; it is a kind of retrospective with the space is divided into 4 sections, each part showing work from Famouz, Star Trak, 33 Still Lives and 'a.somebody'. another room will be added on february 26 which will consist of photos of Herman Brood only. then i was in holland to work with mentally challenged painters for a book on their exhibitiion which will take place end of march '05 in zeist.

Photographes de Mao

Voor wie de slaap niet kan vatten:

Photographes de Mao, vannacht om 00.50 op TV5 Europe.

Herhaling dinsdagmorgen om 05.00.

Hou Bo a aujourd'hui 79 ans. Xu Xiaobing, son mari, 86. Ils vivent tous deux dans un petit appartement anonyme de la banlieue de Pékin. Hou Bo, paysanne du Nord fuyant l'invasion japonaise, et Xu Xiaobing, jeune intellectuel de Shanghaï, se sont rencontrés en 1939, se sont aimés et ont tout traversé : la guerre civile, les espérances et les drames hallucinants de la Chine communiste. Mais, à cette aventure, déjà extraordinaire en soi, s'en double une seconde, rendant leur parcours définitivement unique : de 1939 à 1961, Hou Bo et Xu Xiaobing ont été photographes de Mao A leur suite, le film nous fait découvrir les lieux essentiels de leur histoire, qui se trouvent être également les lieux sacrés du maoïsme : Yan'an, la ville-refuge du Nord, où Mao et ses partisans s'étaient retranchés dans les années 30 ; Bei Da He, la station de villégiature de Mao ; Shaoshan, le village natal du Grand Timonier. « Photographes de Mao » dévoile le destin de deux photographes ayant dédié l'ensemble de leur vie à la cause maoïste et les souffrances qu'ils en reçurent en guise de reconnaissance. Une histoire incarnée qui inscrit également en toile de fond les grands bouleversements de la Chine au XXème siècle.

Faatje niet in haar blootje

Ik ga niet helemaal naakt in de fotoreportage. Als ik ooit zou besluiten dat te doen, dan wil ik ook écht ver gaan. Echt met bananen op het aanrecht en zo. Het is óf aangekleed, óf echt extreem. Dat mooi bloot geloof ik niet in, da's bullshit.

Hockeyster Fatima Moreira de Melo over haar fotoreportage voor het mannenblad FHM.

Arm als kerkratten?

Freelancer Laura Sikes has won the $5000 White House News Photographers' Association project grant, and the runners up were the other two people who applied. That's right: someone was offering a $5000 photojournalism grant, and even though photojournalists are allegedly as poor as church mice, only three of them bothered applying for the money. "It's disappointing," says WHNPA president Susan Walsh. "We're giving out $5,000 and three applicants is all we got."

Bron: PDN.

De koning van Nepal houdt ook niet van fotografen

foto Elizabeth Dalziel

Riot police officers confiscate photographic material from TIME magazine photographer Samantha Appleton after police raided the reunion by Congress party members in Katmandu, Nepal, Friday, Feb. 4, 2005. Only days ago a state of emergency was declared in this Himalayan kingdom and public gatherings were banned.

Reporters and photographers covering the meeting, from both the Nepalese and international press, were briefly held. The authorities confiscated digital camera discs and TV videotape from the journalists.

(Samantha Appleton began her journalism career as a writer and became a fulltime photographer after assisting James Nachtwey in 1999-2000. She has worked as a photographer for the White House, was one of the "30 Under 30" photographers featured in PDN, was nominated for the World Press Master Class and won first place from Pictures of the Year for her September 11th feature.)

donderdag, februari 03, 2005

Al Qaeda houdt niet van fotografie

foto Hadi Mizban

A boy looks at a photographic shop which was the target of a roadside bomb, following alleged demands from insurgents that the owner takes down a picture of a woman in the window which had been used to advertise its portrait photography, in the Dora neighbourhood in southern Baghdad, Thursday, Feb. 3, 2005.

Moordonderzoek Julie Ward wordt heropend

Kenya pledged to reopen investigations into the murder of British photographer Julie Ward 17 years ago, after the slain girl's father handed over new evidence to the government.

"We have acceded to the request that investigations be reoponed and a taskforce be set up ... to review old evidence and any that might emerge as new," Justice Minister Kiraitu Murungi, flanked by the slain girl's father John Ward, told reporters in Nairobi.

"With the new evidence, there should be a will to resolve this case once and for all. If we can't resolve it this time, probably it will not be resolved ever," Ward told AFP, hinting that this could be his final attempt.

Julie, 28, was killed while photographing wildlife in the Maasai Mara game reserve in September 1988, and since then her father has led a one-man crusade to track down her killers, claiming a cover-up by the Kenyan authorities.

Bron: AFP.

Cindy Crawford: alleen vertrouwen in Herb Ritts

Cindy Crawford refused to appear naked in Playboy magazine for the third time. The mother-of-two says she just can’t trust any photographer the way she did the late Herb Ritts, who shot her nude twice before she gave birth.

The 38-year-old beauty, who revealed almost everything in a wet T-shirt dress on Vogue’s pages in March, was last shot for Playboy in 1999.

One more reason for stopping posing nude is her children. "Now that I have kids it's a different consideration because my son's five and he's not quite aware yet, but I just wouldn't want him to get hassled,” said Crawford. "The photographer that I did it with both times was a very good friend of mine. He passed away and I don't know if I would trust anyone else in that same way that I trusted Herb Ritts."

Bron: The Irish Examiner.

woensdag, februari 02, 2005

16.000 foto's van de Super Bowl

At Super Bowl XXXIX in Jacksonville, FL this Sunday, twelve SI photographers will shoot 16,000 digital photos during the 3.5 hour Super Bowl game. To capture the battle between the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles, SI photographers will take more than two pictures for each second of regulation game play.

At the heart of SI's digital work flow is the SI mobile editing trailer where compact flash cards, full of recently captured images, are delivered by runners and loaded onto a 6.75 terabyte cluster. Photo editors, using a bank of networked laptop computers running Microsoft Windows, rapidly annotate, review, sort and prepare digital photos for publication to multiple SI online and print media properties.

Bron: PRNewswire.

Seeing is no longer believing

GONE IN AN INSTANT: Nikolai Yezhov was once a trusted adviser of Stalin. But when he became Stalin's enemy, his image was removed from public record.

Manipulating digital images has never been easier or faster. But there's a fine line between 'improving' a photo and altering it.

Airbrushing individuals out of your life is not new. Joseph Stalin routinely erased personae non gratae from official photographs. As his dictatorship progressed, early communist comrades gradually disappeared to the point where Stalin's entourage started to look quite sparse at times.

Today, with the advent of inexpensive software, the manipulation of digital images is easier, faster, and harder to detect. As a result, the ethics of manipulation - the line between "improving" an image and altering it - are more vital to preserving public trust.

Lees het buitengewoon interessante artikel (met illustraties) Seeing is no longer believing in CS Monitor.

dinsdag, februari 01, 2005

Anton Corbijn signeert

Anton Corbijn signeert zijn nieuwste fotoboek U2&i zaterdagmiddag 12 februari van 15.00 tot 16.30 in boekhandel Scheltema aan het Koningsplein te Amsterdam.

Over het boek:
Een eerbetoon aan U2 met 380 foto's, genomen in de periode 1982-2004. Beroemde U2 fans ontbreken niet, zoals: BIll Clinton, cineast Wim Wenders, zanger Michael Stipe, topmodel Helena Christensen en schrijver Salman Rushdie. Anton heeft de foto's van persoonlijke aantekeningen voorzien.

Zie ook www.u2-corbijn.com en www.corbijn.co.uk.

Frits Abrahams ontdekt Louis Stettner

Vandaag in het NRC Handelsblad een column van Frits Abrahams over hoe hij in een museumwinkel in New York een foto zag hangen van een hem onbekende fotograaf, en zijn verdere zoektocht naar het werk van deze Louis Stettner.

Lees de column in het NRC.

foto Louis Stettner

Foam_fan en Club_Foam

Omdat fotografieliefhebbers een belangrijk draagvlak vormen van Foam wil Foam de band met fotografie-geïnteresseerden graag verstevigen, daarom is 'Foam_fan' in het leven geroepen. Lid worden? Bekijk de voordelen.

Bent u beroepsmatig met fotografie bezig? Dan kunt u Club_Foam lid worden! Club_Foam organiseert regelmatig clubavonden in het Foam_Café waar de leden elkaar onder het genot van een drankje ontmoeten.

De eerste Club_Foam avond van dit jaar is op 28 februari: Een avond met Martin Parr, moderator is Jhim Lamoree. Deze avond is alléén voor Club_Foam-leden!

Foto op Nescafé-verpakking levert miljoenen op

A jury has awarded $15.6 million to a man whose image was used for years without his permission on Taster's Choice coffee labels.

Russell Christoff, a former model from Northern California, posed for a two-hour Nestle photo shoot in 1986 but figured it was a bust — until he stumbled across his likeness on a coffee jar while shopping at a drug store in 2002.

A legal dispute with Nestle USA ensued, during which Christoff, 58, declined the company's $100,000 settlement offer, and Nestle USA turned down his offer to to settle for $8.5 million.

Last week, a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury ordered Nestle USA to pay Christoff $15.6 million for using his likeness without his permission and profiting from it. The award includes 5 percent of the Glendale-based company's profit from Taster's Choice sales from 1997 to 2003.

During that time, Nestle sold the freeze-dried coffee with labels featuring Christoff's face in the United States, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, Israel and Kuwait. The company's Canadian arm started using his image in 1986.

Nestle USA attorney Lawrence Heller said the company would appeal the verdict. "The employee that pulled the photo thought they had consent to use the picture," Heller said.

Eric Stockel, an attorney for Christoff, said he hadn't expected such a large verdict. Christoff, who while working as a model had appeared in corporate training videos and hosted his own public television show, is now a kindergarten teacher in the Bay Area.

He first came across his picture while shopping for bloody mary mix, and says there's a good reason he didn't spot it sooner. "I don't buy Taster's Choice," he said. "I do beans."

Bron: AP.

maandag, januari 31, 2005

Shooting Sharapova

Een foto maken van Maria Sharapova, dat wil iedereen wel!

foto Shizuo Kambayashi

Wimbledon champion Maria Sharapova appears before a flock of photographers, Tokyo Monday, Jan. 31, 2005.

zondag, januari 30, 2005

Magnum-foto's vallen op in straatbeeld New York

It's a lot to ask a New Yorker — to slow down, look up and thoughtfully observe. Especially around Times Square, the eyes are so aroused by so many fast-moving images that it's difficult to absorb any one of them. But this month a digital billboard at West 42nd Street and 8th Avenue has offered passersby a classy eyeful. And some have even stopped to look.

Images from the archive of Magnum Photos, the famed collective of photojournalists, have flashed 6 seconds at a time, across a 1,300-square-foot screen that wraps around the northeast corner of the Port Authority bus terminal.

We tried for anti-iconic for this series, where it might be light or a gesture or a detail that has captured the photographer to create an image that sings in a special way," said Susan Meiselas, a Magnum photographer who with colleague Alex Webb curated this part of the billboard exhibit. Finishing out the month is an exhibition focusing on war, depicting through images, and quotes from soldiers and civilians, the role that the U.S. has played in Iraq.

In addition to photos drawn from the agency's million-image archive, embedded Magnum photographer Thomas Dworzak sent live reports via satellite from Baghdad and Mosul.

Lees meer in de LA Times, en bekijk de foto's zelf bij Magnum in Motion.

foto Ami Vitale/UNICEF

India: Nirumala holds her three-year-old sister, Varun Kumar, in a relief centre for people left homeless by the tsunami disaster, in the district of Nagapattinam in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

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